Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day

Shocking News For All Pakistani :Electricity Consumers

07/05/2024-HIPPER TECH

First of all, we will tell you today’s biggest news till now is that Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day in Pakistan, the electricity was giving shocks but now the electricity bills are also started hurting. Even the protected serfs have not been saved from this. WIFA’s Cabinet has approved to increase RS 5.72 price in the basic electricity tariff. Follow HIPPER TECH for such recent updates!

Cost For Under 100 Units

Yes! Electricity rates for non-protected surfers who use exactly 50-100 units have been fixed at RS.23.73 price per unit fee.

Cost For Under 200 Units

Where as RS. 26.11 price per unit fee will be charged from surfers who use 101-200 units continuously for 6 months.

Cost For Under 300 Units

Who consumes units under 201-300 will be charged RS. 29.74 per unit fee continuously for six months.

Cost For Under 400 Units

However RS. 30.98 price per unit fee will be charged from surfers who use 301-401 units continuously for 6 months.

Cost For Under 500 Units

RS. 34.27 price per unit fee will be charged from surfers who use 401-500 units continuously for 6 months.

Cost For Under 600 Units

RS. 35.64 price per unit fee will be charged from surfers who use 401-500 units.

Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day
Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day

Why Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day

If we tell you a little bit background, in the current budget of 2024-2025 the electricity units prices were increased up to RS. 5.72 paise. But after that it was told by IMF that IMF is not happy with this increase, please impose taxes on it, on which it has been said that before July 10, their will be maximum tax on it. Money will increase and people who are the residents of Pakistan will be burdened with this increase in prices. In such a situation, we are seeing that the unit fee has been increased by almost RS. 5.72 paisa. Due to this increase in price burden on Pakistani people increases and they all are worried about them. That’s Why Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing Day By Day.

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